Sunday, January 24, 2010

I never did this in college.

Yes, I realize that I'm about an eon behind on my blog postings.
But, to be fair, my New Year's resolution was to blog way less ... so I'm holding true to that, at least.
Actually, I've been busy doing so many awesome things that I haven't had time to really sit down and write. (I also don't have the 4+ free hours at school everyday).
But all these awesome things (i.e. going home, Kacy's visit to Korea, traveling to the Philippines and Indonesia, etc) will all make for some ginormously awesome blogs in the future.
The future being in about 2.5 weeks, when I return to the glorious nation of Korea.

So I'm asking for an extension ... with the promise of blogging when I return.
And since I'm the one I'm asking for an extension: extension granted.

I'll see you all (figuratively) in about 2 and a half weeks ... after I get done getting all warm and tan in Boracay and Bali.